R-Urban is shortlisted to become one of the
«100 projects for the Climat» http://www.100projetspourleclimat.gouv.fr/en/projects/676-r-urban-network .The program is launched by Ségolène Royal, chair of COP21, to speed up the emergence of citizen-led initiatives to combat global warming.
Citizen are voting now to confirm out of the 591 shortlisted project the 100 most innovative solutions that will be enabled by COP21 to be developed.
Your VOTE will save the RURBAN project and help it to be supported by COP21 !
You can vote here: http://www.100projetspourleclimat.gouv.fr/fr/projects/676-r-urban-network
Many thanks for confirming on rurban.colombes (at) gmail.com and please share our call with your networks!