Battens used for drying cinder blocks
Battens used for drying blockwork materials are made to withstand mechanical shock and moisture at an industrial scale. They are used extensively in order to dry the material. Thanks to their toughness, they can be used in construction for a wide range of solutions even after their factory use: building platforms, walls, soil treatments, etc.
Wooden bins
In projects for road paving, stones used in the pavement are brought on site in wooden containers: the bins. At a site near the Michelet garden, we collected the empty boxes and we dismantled them. The resulting wood was used to build various facilities such as meeting rooms, the toilets and the worm farm, usually in the form of cladding.
Local stone and rubble
Lors de l’excavation faite pour la chantier de l’Agrocité au jardin Michelet, nous avons découvert une quantité importante des gravats sous la terre. Nous avons décidé par la suite de trier les gravats et la terre pour les utiliser dans la construction d’un mur de soutènement en pierre sèche et pour différents autres aménagements.
During the excavation made for the construction Agrocité in the Michelet garden, we found a significant amount of debris under the ground. We decided then to sort the earth and the rubble and use it in the construction of a retaining wall of dry stone and various other amenities.
Large Wooden objects
Wooden objects still represent an important resource for a construction project, primarily because of the possibility to dismantle the object and use the boards one by one. On the contrary, the large objects are always a problem of transportation, thus not a very good candidate for reuse. In this case, the object should then have other qualities: good structure, good condition, compatibility requirements, which could compensate for the effort.
Deposits of the demolition contractors
Some demolition companies are used to dismantling a building before destroying it completely. The materials thus collected make a fairly wide range of objects ranging from bricks to sinks in the bathroom.
Building antiquaries
The building antiquaries sell second hand construction materials. Beyond the discount, products are often of better quality because they were produced at a time when the material was to be more durable, and they possess the charm of the patina of time.