Restarting the Agrocité

Many things happened during this month of August!
Already initiated by the workshops at the beginning of the summer, the Michelet garden layout went into high gear with the start of construction in the street front. For now, this is still a wide gap, but in early 2013, three small buildings connected by a greenhouse will be ready to host activities related to urban agriculture and local culture.
Many transformations deserved a little explanation! This Saturday, so we met to discuss the second season of the Michelet garden. Sara began by presenting the project, its operation and the new steps to be adopted during the construction period. Indeed, it is necessary for the good of all gardeners as well as construction workers, to respect the limits of the construction site, defined by the red ribbon. We were able to maintain restricted access to the garden during the work, but it is provided that each meets this safety rule. It was also an opportunity to explain the functioning of toilets, set up a micro-economy from the Agrolab (crops are weighed, labeled, and sold at a low price to the people).
We ended the day with delicious potatoes cooked on the barbecue in the garden.